Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Way News - Obama fundraiser, convicted of fraud, spills beans: "CHICAGO (AP) - Jailed political fundraiser Antoin 'Tony' Rezko, the Chicago real estate developer who helped launch Barack Obama on his political career, is whispering secrets to federal prosecutors about corruption in Illinois and the political fallout could be explosive."
Our slimy governor, Rod "Testicular Fortitude" Blagojevich, has a lot to fear. He seems to be the top target of the investigation. But I don't think Obama is a real target at all. Maybe Rezko could say things that make him look bad, but unless Obama was involved in criminal conduct, which I doubt, we probably won't hear about it. Fitzgerald won't smear a likely future president unless he has a slam dunk case against him.

ps: I forgot to mention the obvious wild card. If Obama is elected, he can fire Patrick Fitzgerald, the US attorney for the northern district of Illinois (Chicago), and appoint some stooge who will make sure nothing bad happens to Blago or The One. Some people think Obama wouldn't do that because it would look so bad, given that everybody knows Rezko is already singing and Blago is the target. I wonder if those are the same people who said Obama would never go back on his promise to use public campaign financing. In other words, with this much at stake, I'm sure Obama can find a way to talk his way around looking bad. On the other hand, maybe Blago at long last has no friends left and Obama will let him swing. And I'm still unconvinced that Obama ever did anything criminal. However, just for the record there is one long opinion to the contrary, so we will just have to wait and see what Rezko has to say.

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