Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Lawyers Who May Run America | ABA Journal - Law News Now

The Lawyers Who May Run America | ABA Journal - Law News Now
List of attorneys who Obama would likely appoint to run many federal agencies and the USSC. Interesting reading. Scroll to the bottom for a link to the ones McCain would appoint if he were to pull off the biggest upset in the history of presidential elections.

1 comment:

  1. Our judiciary branch of government, who are represented by attorneys, was never intended to be policy makers and in fact our Constitutional founders explicitly forbid it. Based on the founders experiences of the abusive British judiciary who were unaccountable to the people.
    Constitutional signer Rufus King warned, “the judges must interpret the laws; they ought not to be legislators.” Another Constitutional signer Samuel Adams said, “[I]f the public are not bound to yield obedience to laws to which they cannot give their approbation [support], they are slaves to those who make such laws and enforce them,” sound familiar, it’s called today, legislating from the bench.
    Adams did not know it at the time but he was also describing today’s CID’s with their contractual corporate governance. Which is producing the same conflicts, confusion, crimes, abuses and tyranny as in his day. Because we have long forgotten why America abandoned government by charter (contracts) in favor of Constitutional governance with three levels of government with different roles and limits.
    Finally if we elect a US President who has a law degree who then appoints many other people with law degrees to top department positions in all three branches of the Federal government. Who are not directly subject to the electorate and therefore unaccountable to the people, what can a nation expect or can we remain a nation for long ? Our founders understood, so why don’t we ?
