Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Daily Herald | Waukegan store clerk fatally shoots robber, may face criminal charges

Daily Herald | Waukegan store clerk fatally shoots robber, may face criminal charges: "Walles said it's unclear why the clerk had a gun at the store, but confirmed there have been numerous theft and other disturbances at the location in the past two years. 'That's one of the things we are reviewing in the case,' he said. 'But, at this time, we are unclear on why the clerk had a gun in the store.'"
Indeed. What a puzzle. And this Walles is a Waukegan police commander. Let's see if we can contribute to the solution of his conundrum, shall we? Hmmmmm.

Play the "Jeopardy" theme...

The answer: A gun.

The question: What is the best way for a store clerk in a bad neighborhood to protect himself against robbers and other miscreants?

If you want to debate whether he should have shot him, fine. I don't know how it all went down. But don't insult people's intelligence with all this public dithering about why there was a gun in the store. I have driven right past that store and if I worked there I would want a pistol nearby.

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