Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Conservatives say Bush and McCain destroyed Republican Party | Countdown to Crawford | Los Angeles Times

Conservatives say Bush and McCain destroyed Republican Party | Countdown to Crawford | Los Angeles Times
The recriminations are well under way. This can be made complicated or simple. The simple version is that the Republicans were once regarded as solid on the economy and on foreign policy and now all that is gone. After 12 years of Republicans controlling Congress, they were out. After 8 years of Bush, they are probably about to be out. They are now regarded as profligate spenders who wrecked the world's strongest economy, they have the corruption label on their foreheads (add Ted Stevens now), and they are now seen as failures in foreign policy.

It isn't Bush or McCain alone, but this entire party is in serious trouble from top to bottom and coast to coast, and the word "destroyed" may not be much of an exaggeration. Bush has, in truth, taken his party down hard, but he had a lot of help from the Republican Congress.

In their most optimistic moments they seem to be hoping the Democrats turn out to be even worse when they are in total control of the national government. I think getting your own act together may be a better plan.

1 comment:

  1. The Republican Party has certainly lost its way. It has been driven by ideologies — maybe better named idiotologies — which continue to be advocated by the parfty's special interests.

    The sad part about American politics is that no third party effort is successful. Certainly, many have been added in the last few years, but all remain minor parties. None has a sufficiently large voice to even have their ideas considered by the two major parties. A number of people attempted to create a new Unity 08 party on the internet, but failed to get support.

    We need a new party based on the theme, "Preserve the Republic". Benjamin Franklin described that the Founding Fathers had given us "a republic, if you can keep it."

    Don Nordeen
    Governance of Property Owners Associations
