Saturday, October 11, 2008

Behind McCain’s Fall « The State of the Union: "In this election, as in nearly all before, a black swan has shaped the race’s trajectory: one of those unforeseeable external events that pops up in the last month or so, bearing an impact far greater than any of the daily fluctuations dissected by the punditry."
The line chart that accompanies the blog post tells a dramatic story. The black swan is honking louder than anything else. Unless another rara avis shows up before November 3, McCain's goose is cooked, so to speak.

1 comment:

  1. I know that correlation is not causation, but that chart is very interesting. Anything can still happen in this crazy election, but what might the next black swan be--a terrorist attack, maybe? an assassination attempt? I'm having trouble thinking of a good event significant enough to change McCain's trajectory. So I do hope we don't get another "black swan."
