Friday, September 26, 2008 "Senate Democratic leaders unveiled their $56 billion economic stimulus package on Thursday, less than an hour before leaving to meet President Bush at the White House to continue the fragile negotiations on the financial rescue bill."
So that is the Democrat price tag for supporting the bailout?

[update: Here is a summary of what the House Republicans want, which isn't what Bush and Paulson want. So I guess the situation is the House and Senate Democrats will support something like the Paulson plan if they get their $56 million; the House Republicans don't like the plan, which is being panned like crazy by many conservatives; and neither McCain nor Obama has so far tried to play the role of Bigfoot. Harry Reid is bashing McCain for not being helpful enough, and seems to have forgotten that Obama was sitting there not doing a whole lot either. As the presidential candidate of the party that controls both houses, I would think more leadership would be expected of him than of McCain, but Obama has made a fantastic career out of acting supremely important while doing absolutely nothing, so why change now?]

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