Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Republicans propose borrowing, cuts to balance California budget - Los Angeles Times

Republicans propose borrowing, cuts to balance California budget - Los Angeles Times: "Among the bills given final approval by the Senate was a hard-fought, complex measure by Sen. Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) that aims to spur future growth in California in ways that reduce commute times and greenhouse gas emissions.

The bill, SB 375, links regional greenhouse gas reduction goals to transit funding to discourage local governments from approving far-flung subdivision developments. It won the support of environmentalists and the building industry. The Senate passed the measure 25 to 14.

Sen. Tom McClintock, a Republican from Thousand Oaks who voted against the measure, likened it to centralized Soviet planning. He said it would force people to live in urban cores near train stations.

'Most people prefer the quiet, tree-shaded neighborhood,' said McClintock."

Fred Pilot sent this link to a report on recent measures passed by the California senate. This one is an anti-sprawl measure. I wonder what happens to demand for California housing when instead of the California Dream house in the suburbs you get an urban apartment.

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