Sunday, September 21, 2008

Man vows to fight garden gnome arrest threat | Mail Online

Man vows to fight garden gnome arrest threat | Mail Online: "A man vowed to keep a glowing garden gnome on display today in defiance of a police notice. Gordon MacKillop even faces possible prosecution over the offending ornament. He was woken in the night by two police officers who warned him that the solar-powered gnome, dressed in full police uniform, was offensive to his neighbours. They served him with a notice under the Protection From Harassment Act 1997 for 'placing a garden gnome with intent to cause harassment to Mr John McLean'. The notice, issued on August 30, also accuses Mr MacKillop of intimidating potential buyers of former policeman Mr McLean's £209,000 cottage in Treovis, near Liskeard, Cornwall. It warns the 46-year-old that he could be arrested and prosecuted."
So, what is the verdict on this gnome? Take a look and decide.

I say not offensive, definitely not intimidating, but probably irritating. What say you?


  1. I can't even see why it would be irritating. ????

  2. Did you get a good look at those eyes? I think they follow you as you walk past...
