Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Jamie Gorelick, Mistress of Disaster

Jamie Gorelick, Mistress of Disaster: "It's not often that one person plays key roles in two -- count 'em, two -- trillion-dollar disasters. Welcome, my friends, to the world of well-connected Democrat Jamie Gorelick."
Worth reading. She was the power behind the scenes in the Janet Reno Justice Department and created the "wall" that kept intelligence and law enforcement from cooperating pre-9/11. Then she sat as a member of the 9/11 Commission that investigated why 9/11 wasn't foreseen. Conflict of interest? Not for her. She just sat there and brazened it out.

Then she resurfaced as vice chairman of Fannie Mae, and presided over its meltdown while saying everything was fine and making over $26 million.

What do you bet she ends up on the commission investigating the collapse of Fannie Mae?

To complete the trifecta, I could envision her being Obama's Attorney General. Then after that she could investigate how they lost the case of US v. Osama Bin Laden.

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