Tuesday, September 09, 2008

HOA Wants Man To Tear Down Home Rebuilt After Airplane Crash - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando

HOA Wants Man To Tear Down Home Rebuilt After Airplane Crash - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando: "SANFORD, Fla. -- A Sanford man whose wife and son were killed when an airplane crashed into their home may have to tear down his rebuilt house because a homeowners' association said he is breaking their rules.

Joe Woodard's wife and son were killed in the July 2007 crash, and he's been building a new home on the same lot for the past year."

They don't like the shingles, and the house extends a few feet farther back than they allow. They want him to rebuild exactly what he had before the crash. He doesn't want a reminder of the place he used to share with his wife and son.

You can't make things up that top what associations really do. People used to say, "Would your mother be proud of you if she knew what you are doing?" But questions like that assume that people are capable of feeling shame, which it seems not everybody is, these days.


  1. And a columnist from Miami opines, predictably, that this homeowner should have known not to buy in an HOA if he didn't want to follow the rules . (That columnist is a contributor to Ron Paul's biography, btw. What is it that attracts libertarians to hoas? Isn't a loss of liberty still a loss of liberty, no matter who enforces it?)

  2. HOAs and building code officials are agents of terrorism. They don't care a whit about a foot or a this or a that --- until someone complains. THEN they go for the throat. It is guaranteed that this guy has a neighbor with a beef who has gone through the rules with a fine tooth comb and found a glitch in the guy's plan. It is probably a case of simple rabid abuse of process. I'd say that the MAJORITY of folks in HOAs have at least one violation which could be used to terrorize them.
