Saturday, September 06, 2008

Daily Herald | Council to weigh in on host of home association issues

Daily Herald | Council to weigh in on host of home association issues: "As some of the readers of this column may be aware, in early 2008 I was appointed by the Illinois legislature as chairman of the Condominium Advisory Council, consisting of two other laypeople (Shelli Lulkin and George Panagakis) and four legislators (Reps. Harry Osterman and Angelo 'Skip' Saviano, and Sens. Pam Althoff and Mattie Hunter). Our engagement is to advise the legislature as to necessary changes and new laws needed to improve the quality of life of residents of condominium and homeowners associations."
This is a column by Buffalo Grove attorney Jordan Shifrin explaining the task of the Condominium Advisory Council, which he chairs. He explains what issues he thinks are important and how to have some input into their deliberations. Well worth reading. I have always found Jordan to be a voice of reason, so I think he is a good choice for this position.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad this can't be made into a national effort. Illinois likely has the same problems as the other states.

    Don Nordeen
    Governance of Property Owners Associations
