Tuesday, September 23, 2008

PETA Urges Ben & Jerry's To Use Human Milk - News Story - WPTZ Plattsburgh: "PETA officials say a move to human breast milk would lessen the suffering of dairy cows and their babies on factory farms and benefit human health."
When did the press start doing PETA's bidding here? When a cow reproduces, the offspring is called a "calf," not a BABY. And pardon me for being squeamish, but I'm not buying human breast milk ice cream. Besides, I'd say this whole milk gig is good for cows when you consider the alternative. If we don't use cows to produce milk, why not shoot them and turn them into meat? While on the subject of unpleasant alternatives, I think if you surveyed the nation's cows, they would vote about 9 to 1 that they would rather be milked daily than have their hind legs eaten by a pack of wolves while their front legs are still trying to run away.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm not a vegan, but I think that the animal-rights perspective on dairy is that dairy supports veal & other cruel industries (b/c cows need to get pregnant to produce milk, then girl calves become dairy while boy calves become veal). And it is arguably cruel to take babies of whatever species away from their parents before weaning age. Were there no cattle industry, there would be no domesticated cattle, so the wolves would be out of luck too.

    That said, the proposal to use human milk is asinine. For one thing, if we could collect mother's milk on an industrial scale, there are lots of babies who could use it. Some babies cannot tolerate formula and human milk banks have trouble getting supply.
