Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Coppell resident locks horns with homeowners association over Obama yard signs 7:48 AM CT | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Latest News

Coppell resident locks horns with homeowners association over Obama yard signs: Texas: "Surely, he figured, his Coppell homeowners association couldn’t force him to pull up his small yard signs supporting Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.

He didn’t know it at the time, but a 3-year-old state law prohibits associations from enforcing outright bans on reasonably sized political signs.

Still, less than a month later, Mr. Graupner was told that his signs violated a homeowners association rule. He got a letter threatening at least $200 in fines if the two signs in his flower bed didn’t come up."

First, you shouldn't need a law to keep associations from banning political signs. That should be your right and associations should never have this power anyway. But now you see them banning the signs, notwithstanding the law, and that highlights the second major problem with associations: when they don't follow the law, which is commonplace, it is incredibly hard to do anything about it.

Watch all these housing industry related financial meltdowns, and then tell me our state and national legislators have the slightest idea what they are doing. They turned the whole thing over to the industry long ago. It is privatization of the policy making process itself.

Thanks to Chris Casey for this link.

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