Thursday, September 18, 2008 - Metro State Professor Investigated For Palin Essay Assignment - Metro State Professor Investigated For Palin Essay Assignment: "DENVER (CBS4) ― Metro State College is investigating a professor who asked students to write an essay critical of Republican vice presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin. One student said the instructor singled out Republican students in the class and allowed others to ridicule them."
I read this and think, dog bites man. This sort of thing happens every day at most colleges and universities. Don't people know that by now? One in a thousand incidents hits the press and then the administrators fuss over it for public consumption and the next day the faculty is back to business as usual.

1 comment:

  1. Got any empirical support for that notion? I assume you know that this issue has been investigated repeatedly and to my knowledge, no factual basis for widespread faculty viewpoint discrimination has ever been found.

    e.g., the investigation in Pennsylvania, reported here and here.
