Monday, September 29, 2008

Biden Focuses on Debate Prep, Mishears Question on Rejection of Bailout Bill - From The Road

Biden Focuses on Debate Prep, Mishears Question on Rejection of Bailout Bill - From The Road: "As he exited the hotel for his dinner break, Biden was asked “Senator, can we get your reaction to the House bill not passing?”

Biden interrupted the question with a “Hey folks,” to reporters and then said “Oh, things are going well.”

Biden’s press secretary, David Wade, sent an e-mail minutes later, saying “the senator thought you asked how prep was going” for this week’s debate with Gov. Sarah Palin.

Prior to Biden's departure, the press was moved further away from the hotel's exit, perhaps far enough away that it prevented Biden from clearly hearing the question."

When Biden shows he is out of touch, the press painstakingly explains it away. But when Palin asks Charlie Gibson for a clarification of an ambiguous question, the press portrays her as a dunce.

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