Friday, September 05, 2008

Associations see foreclosures, renters as pressing issues --

Associations see foreclosures, renters as pressing issues -- "What's on the minds of community association residents these days? Foreclosures, renters, secretive boards and sloppy managers are high on a long list.

That's what they told the Illinois Condominium Advisory Council at a recent public hearing in Naperville.

The council has been assigned the task of identifying major challenges to associations and making recommendations for legislative change to the General Assembly. Made up of lawmakers and association veterans, the council is conducting a series of public hearings around the state before preparing its report by year's end."

Illinois doesn't have an active owners' rights organization that I know of, as they do in California, Nevada, Arizona, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, Florida, Texas...well, you get the idea. I wonder if the way assessments are collected is the reason. Here there is no non-judicial foreclosure, and we have statutory authority for condos and HOAs to collect overdue assessments using eviction court. The owner stands to lose possession instead of ownership.

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