Friday, August 01, 2008

Urban America: The New Solid South | "Today, America’s urban areas have evolved into a political monoculture that increasingly resembles the “solid South” that provided a base for Democrats from the late 19th century to the 1960s. Since 1972, the year of the Nixon landslide, the Democratic share has grown 20 percent or more in most of the largest urban counties."
Chicago is a great example. There is no functional Republican party opposition to the Democrat machine. No matter how bad the corruption and incompetence, the people vote for the Democrats. And that culture spread to the state government, which, thanks to corrupt Republican Governor Ryan, is now all Democrat-controlled and coincidentally corrupt and incompetent and dysfunctional. And if the coronation of Lord Obama proceeds as planned by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Criticized and the media, a huge herd of Chicago/Illinois corrupticrats will descend on Washington and enjoy a feast at the public trough the likes of which this country has never seen. So this urban political monoculture will have disastrous consequences. Boss Tweed would have loved it.

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