Sunday, August 24, 2008

Most gated communities shy away from politics -- South Florida

Most gated communities shy away from politics -- South Florida "Most gated communities shy away from politics. 'A lot of people are concerned, 'Is this bipartisan?' So rather than do something, they do nothing,' is Abe Fenster's take on the subject. He's the Shores' new president and manned the floor microphones with Harvey Hoffman, his predecessor. Most of the candidates interviewed said they had been in few or no other gated communities during this election cycle because they have to be invited."
Well, if it is about listening to a sales pitch from some self-serving candidate, I can see why they'd rather play bridge. But if the political issue activates the NIMBY reflex, HOA residents can be mobilized to pay attention pretty fast. Propose building a low-income apartment project next door and see who shows up for the meeting.

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