Sunday, July 06, 2008

My Way News - 'Public' online spaces don't carry speech, rights

My Way News - 'Public' online spaces don't carry speech, rights: "Companies in charge of seemingly public spaces online wipe out content that's controversial but otherwise legal. Service providers write their own rules for users worldwide and set foreign policy when they cooperate with regimes like China. They serve as prosecutor, judge and jury in handling disputes behind closed doors.

The governmental role that companies play online is taking on greater importance as their services - from online hangouts to virtual repositories of photos and video - become more central to public discourse around the world. It's a fallout of the Internet's market-driven growth, but possible remedies, including government regulation, can be worse than the symptoms."

This is similar to the argument I and others have been making about CIDs for a long time now. What happens to civil liberties when a public function gets privatized?

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