Tuesday, July 01, 2008

FOXNews.com - Law Banning Annoying People During Pope's Visit to Australia Criticized - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

FOXNews.com - Law Banning Annoying People During Pope's Visit to Australia Criticized
SYDNEY, Australia — New regulations making it a crime to annoy or inconvenience people gathering in Sydney during Pope Benedict XVI's visit later this month were criticized Tuesday as a heavy-handed blow to free speech.

The laws will apply in dozens of areas of downtown Sydney — including the city's landmark opera house, train stations and city parks — that are designated venues for World Youth Day, a Catholic evangelical festival at which the pontiff will conduct mass and lead prayer meetings.

The regulations give police and emergency services workers power to order anyone to stop behavior that "causes annoyance or inconvenience to participants in a World Youth Day event," according to a New South Wales state government gazette. Anyone who does not comply faces a 5,500 Australian dollar (US$5,300) fine.

So can any gated community inmates top this? When James Madison, et al., said government power has to be limited because neither the majority nor any minority can be trusted with unlimited power, they had a point.

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