Sunday, July 06, 2008

Down and out in Las Vegas - Americas, World - The Independent

Down and out in Las Vegas - Americas, World - The Independent: "America's most outrageous city is facing a growing multitude of problems, and they all boil down to a single, unavoidable point: right now, far too little happens in Vegas, because not enough people are actually staying there. The onset of global slowdown, high petrol prices, and a nation-wide housing slump is spelling disaster for a town that owes every aspect of its wealth – from that gaudy replica of the Eiffel Tower to those scale models of Venetian canals and the Pyramids of Egypt – to its ability to inspire free-spending hedonism."
Disaster might be too strong a word. There will always be a market for a place that offers the ultimate in distraction. I get why people visit there and work there. I just don't see why so many people retire and move there. I would have thought retirees would want a more congenial climate. I mean, if Chicago is too cold, why move to a place that is too hot?

1 comment:

  1. Sure it's hot as hell here, but it's all about the taxes Evan... And (formerly) inexpensive housing.
