Thursday, July 03, 2008

Couple Who Let Lawn Die to Save Water Face Fine - Oddities - redOrbit

Couple Who Let Lawn Die to Save Water Face Fine: "[W]hen Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a statewide drought June 4, Hartridge decided it was only right to let her front lawn die to save water. 'The whole water conservation ethic is very important to me,' said Hartridge, a state employee who bikes or rides the bus to work. But that ethic didn't agree with her neighbors, or with the city. Before Hartridge could plan new landscaping, a neighbor complained to the city about her brown lawn, and the Code Enforcement Department slapped the family with a citation. Their small brick home was declared a 'public nuisance' in violation of city code section 17.68.010, which states that front yards 'shall be irrigated, landscaped and maintained.' A $746 fine will be next unless they correct the violation."
The City of Sacramento is doing this. In a drought. Yet another example of a municipality acting like a stereotypical HOA.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sometimes reasonable judgement isn't used in times like these. A drought in the back yard is the same in the front. There is a shortage of water. The grass will grow, there are seeds in the ground. Some strain at a gnat and swaller a camel.
    When we have so many useless regulation common judgement maybe lacken.
