Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Chicago, city of broad strictures -- chicagotribune.com

Chicago, city of broad strictures -- chicagotribune.com: "The fact is, a lot of 'little soft cities' have become brassier and freer and, well, funner than Chicago.

At Reason Magazine, we recently took a look at how the 35 most-populous cities in the United States balance individual freedom with government paternalism. We ranked the cities on how much freedom they afford their residents to indulge in alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sex, gambling and food. And, for good measure, we also looked at the cities' gun laws, use of traffic and surveillance cameras, and tossed in an 'other' category to catch weird laws such as New York's ban on unlicensed dancing, or Chicago's tax on bottled water.

The sad news, Chicagoans, is that your town came in dead last. And it wasn't even close."

Chicago under Dictator-for-Life Richie Daley is now the most repressive and paternalistic city in the nation. Take that, homeowner and condo associations!

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