Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Blagojevich: Chicago May Need National Guard Help - News Story - WMAQ | Chicago

Blagojevich: Chicago May Need National Guard Help - News Story - WMAQ | Chicago: "CHICAGO -- As Governor Rod Blagojevich on Wednesday signed a new law that will put in place tougher penalties for selling guns to minors, he also announced he's got a new idea to help combat the violence that Chicago is experienc[ing]: he's talking to the Illinois State Police and the National Guard to see if they could help."
Our meathead governor pulled his face out the public trough long enough to make another moronic attempt at grandstanding. There has been an uptick in violent crime, but not close to a return to what it was in the late 1990s. And if you take a look at Chicago crime rates for the 70s and 80s, you have to conclude that things are pretty calm today by comparison. But that sort of long-term inquiry would get in the way of terrifying the public into increasing government power, and the Chicago Democratic Machine loves power. Ask Mayor Daley, or even Barack Obama, about that sometime.

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