Thursday, July 31, 2008

About The Lawsuit

Involuntary HOA?The Sand Lake Hills Homeowners Association, hereinafter SLH, and a group of property owners who own 57 lots in Section 3, have taken it upon themselves to attempt to remake Sand Lake Hills into something it was never intended to be: a development controlled by a homeowner association which can levy mandatory assessments against all of the owners, even those who don’t want a homeowner association and who don’t want to pay assessments. SLH has stated that membership in the association is not mandatory for current owners. However, they say that even those members who didn’t join will still have to pay. Taxation without representation was bad enough. Taxation without affiliation is even worse.
This reminds me of those episodes of Star Trek when the Borg cube shows up and you hear, "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated." Thanks to Beth Young for the link.

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