Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Watch Me Sleep My Way To The Top Of The Glendale Homeowner's Association | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Watch Me Sleep My Way To The Top Of The Glendale Homeowner's Association | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
This is hilarious.


  1. This would be funny, if it was fiction and it has been ALLOWED for far too long. The outrage is that, unfortunately, for the victims that have been harassed, terrorized, propositioned, assessed, foreclosed upon, etc., by these mostly male dominated abuses of power are disgusting. Why is it that our courts, elected officials, housing agencies, do absolutely nothing? WHAT IF IT WERE THEIR DAUGHTER, MOTHER, SISTER, WIFE (in their absence), OTHER FEMALE RELATIVE OR FAMILY FRIEND?
    The best case scenario would be for the abusers to be formerly charged, convicted by juries, given sentences and their victims rctified.
    Gee, I thought that was the way justice is supposed to work in the great USA!

  2. A woman does not have to seek a board position in one of these groups to be harassed in this manner. She simply needs only to own her home. The fact that this is happening all over America apparently, nurtured and allowed to continue is disgusting. Read the true accounts of the victims of many of these groups and there will be no question in your mind. Simply owning a home in a CID is an unexpected vulnerability no single woman should ever attempt. Yeah, sure, this happens to everyone else...
    Many of these sociopathic, narcissistic, sleez bag board members and their associates view women and their property as someting they desire to and need to control. They will do whatever it takes including criminal acts, harassment, terroristic threats, fictitious court actions & property damage to show their power and who they believe is in charge. It is a sickness. This is a tragedy. I am sure somewhere there are woman board members who are just as guilty of these abuses as many of the men involved are.
    The reality is that many men appear to be the most terroristic; (threats, damage, propositions, harassment, unjustified fines) and for some reason feel a sense of entitlement for these illegal acts.
    Where is Dr. Phil for these guys?
