Monday, June 23, 2008

L.A. seeing more people living out of their cars

L.A. seeing more people living out of their cars: "Amid the foreclosure crisis and the shaky economy, some California cities are seeing an increase in the number of people living out of their cars, vans or RVs. Acting on complaints from homeowners, the Los Angeles City Council got tough earlier this year by forbidding nearly all overnight parking in residential neighborhoods such as South Brentwood. But some people are just crowding into other parts of the city, including the seaside community of Venice, where dozens of rusty, dilapidated campers can be seen lined up outside neat single-family homes. The stench of urine emanates from a few of the vehicles, and some residents say they have seen human waste left behind."
Looking on the bright side, living in your car solves two problems at once. You don't need to pay for a house, and you don't need to buy gas.

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