Monday, June 23, 2008

An end to stepping in dog poo?: "STEPPING in dog poo might be a thing of the past thanks to a new policy being introduced in one UK park.

Mansfield District Council has decided to spray the excrement with bright pink die in an attempt to cure the problem of messy pavements."

Pink doggy poo poo. How cute. And I thought government was about national defense, law and order, and stuff like that.

1 comment:

  1. If they actually do (no pun intended) a good job of spray painting the poop, their might be some rather unintended consequences. For example, what is a child supposed to make of what is illustrated? Also, were you better of blissfully ignorant? In other words, although awareness was the goal to avoid inadvertent stepping in poop, do you still feel better after seeing how prevalent the poop is in the park?
