Thursday, June 26, 2008 News News: "Forge the Alamo! Remember the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo!": "A rising peso and an economy growing faster than the U.S. have given some Mexicans the buying power to take advantage of the housing slump in Texas, which the U.S. annexed in 1845 after Texans gained independence from Mexico nine years earlier."
Irony alert--this one will make your head spin. Mexicans are positioned to buy back lots of property in Texas, and the sales pitch is cowgirls standing next to a sign reading, "TEXAS FOR SALE."

1 comment:

  1. This is the exact example how conditions could be easily changed. Anyway I think that article is a bit misleading and also you can notice some exaggeration in it. Maybe properties are now more affordable for Mexicans but it is same for all foreigners. Working as a Toronto real estate agent I’ve noticed something similar also here in Canada but my respond was very fast and I’ve started to look for clients abroad. For example Euro countries are in very good position now. Euro is strong more than ever before and this factor combined with some bad expectation gives you a result that there is nothing better what they can do than investing in to dollar
