Friday, June 27, 2008 | Colorado's Online News Leader | New HOA law allows clothes lines in neighborhoods | Colorado's Online News Leader | New HOA law allows clothes lines in neighborhoods: "KUSA - Beginning in August, homeowners living in covenant controlled communities will able to install energy saving devises such as evaporative coolers, wind-electric generators and clothes lines, as long as those devises meet home owner association aesthetic guidelines.

House Bill 1270 was signed by Governor Ritter last April and will go into effect August 6, 2008.

The bill provides guidelines to homeowner associations (HOAs) and homeowners on the types of energy efficiency/conservation devises that can be installed and used in covenant controlled (HOA) communities."

Sounds like a good law to me. What do other people think?


  1. This story also illustrates that private local government in the form of HOAs has become the functional equivalent of municipal and county government. Here, the state is attempting to limit HOAs' regulatory authority just as it might limit the application of municipal and county ordinances.

    But there's a key difference. These state proscriptions on HOA powers typically include provisions guaranteed to keep the community association bar fully employed by generating frivolous lawsuits. The provision here is "as long as those devises meeting home owner association aesthetic guidelines."

  2. Aesthetic Guidelines is "the hooker" that takes all the teeth out of the measure. Arguments like "that's not consistent with our aesthetic guidelines" can be used to block or indefinitely delay anything a fascist board wants to prevent.
