Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Housing Crisis Is Over - WSJ.com

The Housing Crisis Is Over - WSJ.com: "The dire headlines coming fast and furious in the financial and popular press suggest that the housing crisis is intensifying. Yet it is very likely that April 2008 will mark the bottom of the U.S. housing market. Yes, the housing market is bottoming right now.

How can this be? For starters, a bottom does not mean that prices are about to return to the heady days of 2005. That probably won't happen for another 15 years. It just means that the trend is no longer getting worse, which is the critical factor."

I hope this writer has it figured out, but there are isn't one housing market. There are many different geographical areas and within each there are sub-markets for different types of housing and price ranges. It may be that we have hit bottom in the aggregate, but is that true of the entire Sun Belt?


  1. I also don’t think that over is going to be soon. Crisis is just spreading out all over the world right now. Working as a Vancouver realtor I can see consequences also here in Canada and I think it is same in more countries. Now we can expect some synergic effects which will affect also US again.

  2. It isn't over. But there are analysts who keep saying the water is fine, come on in. They are trying to improve the market conditions by telling people the crisis is over, which they think will make the crisis be over sooner.

  3. Dr. McKenzie,

  4. I hope this crisis will end soon!
