Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Canton Council proposes jail time for tall grass

Canton Council proposes jail time for tall grass: "For residents tired of that overgrown lot that resembles a minijungle next door, the city wants to help by trying to put high-grass violators behind bars.

City Council wants to beef up its existing high-grass and weeds law by making a second offense a fourth-degree misdemeanor, which is punishable by a fine of up to $250 and up to 30 days in jail."

I guess the HOAs and condo associations may as well surrender. They can't top this.


  1. Why doesn't the city focus on hiring youth to mow the lawns and then billing the owners for the work as a civil matter? Isn't summer employment for residents a more positive way of addressing this purported menace?

    Isn't this a little bit much for the pursuit of the elimination of ugliness to result in criminal sanctions? The characterization of things as "ugly" combined with an objective of eliminating ugliness has historically led to major conflicts, genocide, and other crimes against humanity.

    Of course, this is also why CAI's paramount public policy is to prohibit federal, state, and local government from enacting laws that would regulate the activity that can be conducted under the pretext of aesthetics. What's next, gas chambers in Canton?

  2. Dr. McKenzie,
    Far too many HOA and COA, etc., associations have topped this! For those unsuspecting, who have been victimized by one of these groups,
    they harass, terrorize, fraudulently fine, conspire outrageous, fictitious legal fees, create conflicts not even Stephen King could dream up, destroy lives and careers, then foreclose on you!
    Don't believe me? Ask the countless victims!
