Friday, May 02, 2008

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Johnson wins London mayoral race

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Johnson wins London mayoral race
Boris Johnson has won the race to become the next mayor of London - ending Ken Livingstone's eight-year reign at City Hall.
It is high time that "Red Ken" was sent packing. The last place you want a raving Socialist is as the mayor of a big city. Better to stick them in the national legislature where they can't do so much harm (see Bernie Sanders, D-People's Republic of Vermont) and where they might contribute a good idea every now and then (Red Bernie hasn't done that yet, but where there is life, there is hope).


  1. .
    Boris may be a buffoon, but at least he's not a communist one.

    Bloody good news! Praise the Lord! Thank God!
    There is hope for Londonistan. What will Red Ken do next?


    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    elect a communist

    someone who will work full-time
    to destroy your country


  2. I have no idea what Red Ken will do now, but leftists never give up on trying to control government, so I think he will keep on keeping on.
