Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Huge state quake predicted within 30 years

Huge state quake predicted within 30 years: "(04-14) 11:32 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- A strong and deadly earthquake is virtually certain to strike on one of California's major seismic faults within the next 30 years, scientists said Monday in the first official forecast of statewide earthquake probabilities. They calculated the probability at more than 99 percent that one or more of the major faults in the state will rupture and trigger a quake with a magnitude of at least 6.7. An even more damaging quake with a magnitude of 7.5 or larger, the earthquake scientists said, is at least 46 percent likely to hit on one of California's active fault systems within the next three decades. It probably would strike in the southern part of the state, the scientists warned."
I guess anything that is left after the foreclosure epidemic passes will be cast into the sea by The Big One. The Ventura earthquake damaged a lot of CID units, especially condo buildings, and led to lawsuits among insurers, contractors, and associations. It is hard to envision what would happen if another major disaster hit CID housing in its weakened state, with numerous owners not paying assessments and property values falling.

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