Thursday, March 20, 2008 News - Attorney General calls for condominium commission to protect condo owners News - Attorney General calls for condominium commission to protect condo owners: "Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, in formal testimony to the Judiciary Committee today, urged establishment of a state board to assist condominium unit owners by ensuring that condominium associations abide by their bylaws and state laws, and tighter licensing requirements for condominium managers. Blumenthal, joined by state legislators and condo unit owners, said that a Connecticut Community Association Commission would review condominium unit owner complaints concerning violations of condominium bylaws or state condominium laws by the association’s board of directors, officers or professional managers."
Question: at what point can we hear the last of the industry claim that everything is fine and no government oversight or regulation is needed? How many states have to act on this before the industry will acknowledge the facts?

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