Monday, March 03, 2008 - Real Estate - Real estate and homes news stories about Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte counties in Florida, from the newspapers of record. - "If you have a problem with your condominium association, there is a place to try to get relief, or at least an explanation of your rights.

Created by the Florida Legislature in 2004, the Office of the Condominium Ombudsman has become a resource for unit owners, board members, condominium associations and others.

So far, lawmakers have not created a similar office for homeowners associations, but one is being considered."

Nice photo of Danille Carroll. The last line in the piece quotes her as saying something I said when we were both speaking at Frank Askin's conference in New Jersey: "You are only one election away from having a bad condo board." And that is the Achilles Heel of this entire institution.


  1. <<"You are only one election away from having a bad condo board." And that is the Achilles Heel of this entire institution.>>

    Of course that is also the Achilles Heel of every single democratic institution in the world. Only one election away from bad leadership, but also only one election from turning it around and putting in good leadership (see USA circa 2008).

    But that isn't necessarily a good argument for tyranny. As Winston Churchill noted, "it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except all those others that have been tried from time to time."

  2. Dr. McKenzie,
    "Your only one election away...," thoughts are shared by many who have had experiences with the horrors of some association's boards/board members. In my experience, "WHO," creeps in to manipulate an existing board, causing countless conflicts, targeting of vulnerable populations for harassment, terrorizing and foreclosure is equally a realistic issue that needs to be given MUCH consideration. I see Mr. Skiba has posted on your thoughts on this subject. I have to wonder, though, what has Mr. Skiba's group done to help those victimized by these abusive boards who just happen to have "credentialed professionals," at the root of/involved in, these illegal, terrorizing greed driven, dishonorable injustices? Rumor has it that there is some type of secret internal review process for "cerdentialed professionals," gone amuck. Hum, and what exactly would that accomplish for those victimized? Mr. Skiba and those within the industry "know there are countless groups, out of control and they do not know what to do about them." This may sound like a familiar quote, to some! The injustices to those victimized need to be rectified and if, in fact. a "credentialed professional," is involved they should be held accountable by the courts.

  3. Yes, one election away from having the neighbors from hell in a position to make your life miserable and to take away your home.

    And calling HOAs democracies is like calling the Pope an atheist. Stop defending the indefensible Mr Skiba, you just lose even more credibility with your incessant finding excuses for the disaster that is an association.
