Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why is this blog blocked?
I received a cordial and informative response to my request (described below). Here it is, and thanks to the Senior Security Engineer of the Information Assurance Directorate of the Office of the Secretary of Defense for the prompt reply.

"The reason your weblog is being blocked by OSD's (and only the Office
Secretary of Defense's) content filtering application known as Web Sense is
because of the site it is hosted on. The domain blogspot.com has been seen
repeatedly hosting malicious files, content, and automatic redirects to
other malicious sites. While your weblog is 100% benign other weblogs that
are hosts by blogspot are actively malicious and were only created to cause
harm. OSD CIO IAD gets roughly 15-20 alerts a month for malicious content
OSD users have tried to access through blogspot.com. At this time we are
taking the stance of blocking all access to content hosted by blogspot."


  1. Bummer! YOU are "benign"...Not!

    Come on?? Some of us had secretly hoped that the name "Tom Skiba" would have appeared somewhere within the italicized print from the Dept. of Defense! (Tom, YOU know I am kidding!)

    To say that the Privatopia Papers weblog is "100% benign" -- is to basically call ALL those folks at CAI -- um, -- in a word -- WRONG?!

    I personally attended the handy-dandy (you pay "extra" and we will let you in on Thursday) sessions -- at the 2008 CAI Law Seminar at The Ventian in Las Vegas -- and no one -- repeat -- no one -- thinks that you (or Shu in D.C., or Jan in Florida) and ALL those like you are -- "benign."

    Suffice it to say, YOU ARE A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH... "They" are watching -- and "they" are listening. (Thank God.. FINALLY!?)

    Mr. Evan -- Hmm -- after reading your other posts from today (about reptiles, excluding the lawyerly type?) -- I would ask -- do those who think YOU are simply "benign" -- also call a rattlesnake a "worm"? (Do "they" also call "King Kong" a chimpanzee? Duh!)

    Whatever YOU are... Keep up the good work!

    Maybe next year the best and brightest at CAI will devote two ENTIRE days (in Palm Springs, CA) to the alleged "threat of the new media" -- (and ALL those like you) -- and all those other disgruntled malcontents -- who might be -- at THIS very moment -- planning a weblog?

    Signed --

    Not embarrassed at all to sign my REAL name (primarily for "Mr. Tom's" benefit.)

    Come on, he's NOT a bad guy -- he takes VERY good care of his own Mother -- who happens to hav to live in a CID...

    Give the guy a break, PLEASE -- (even though he cannot take her into HIS own home like some of us would?)

    Warmest Aloha --
    ("Not so anonymous anymore")
    Monica J. Sadler
    (a.k.a. One of "Professor" Evan McKenzie's biggest fans :-)

  2. While the OSD should get credit for a prompt and cordial response, the policy is, in a word, ridiculous. Blogspot.com hosts many, many individual blogs, all of which are independent. If a particular blog is deemed malicious, its particular subdomain can be blocked instead of blocking all of blogspot.com. In addition, Blogger (which apparently runs blogspot.com) has a clear content policy and a process for reporting violations. OSD should follow this process instead of blocking all of blogspot.com indiscriminately.

  3. I like what Monica Sadler has to say on this subject. Unfortunately, for Tom Skiba and the CAI clan, hopefully, their days appear to be numbered. The sad fact is, though, they had a CHOICE! Look at what they have done with that choice. Ask ANY victim to this horror what has happened to thier life, family, career and health once targeted by a credentialed professional associated with this group. Where is the rectification and redress for these families? It seems fit CAI should be paying domestic reparations to ANY homeowner who has been victimized by ANYONE associated with their group! I wonder how those with CAI would endure, should the tables be turned? Where would they and their families go tho get their lives back?
