Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Partially mummified body found in AZ tub - Yahoo! News

Owners of the small, standalone unit thought it had been abandoned in August, when rent stopped being paid, Phoenix police Sgt. Joel Tranter said Monday.

Nice that the rent was still getting paid. I guess that's the main thing, right? But to address the minor problem of the dead guy in the bathtub: the body had been there for a very, very long time. It seems that this unfortunate individual may be the tenant who took the place in 1995 and who hadn't been seen since about 2000. Maybe he just died of the Y2K bug, but I think somebody should ask the guy who lived there from 2000 to August 2006. He apparently was claiming to be the 1995 tenant.

I guess there are neighbors, and there are bad neighbors, and then there are neighbors who have dead bodies in their bathtubs for seven years.

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