Friday, February 15, 2008

I just sent this to
Thanks to Shu Bartolomew for getting me the email address to complain about this. Now we'll see what response I get, if any.

Dear Sir or Madame:
It has come to my attention that my weblog has been banned by DoD and that people who visit it receive a message saying that it is a "malicious website." The weblog is called "The Privatopia Papers," and it is located at

This is to advise you that there is nothing remotely malicious about my weblog, and to inquire why DoD is defaming me in this way and blocking access to a completely innocuous weblog.

My weblog deals with issues pertaining to real estate law and policy, especially homeowner and condominium associations. I am the author of a well-regarded book on that subject (Privatopia: Homeowner Associations and the Rise of Residential Private Government) published by Yale University Press, and numerous academic journal articles, book chapters, and conference papers. I have a Ph.D. in political science and am also an attorney licensed to practice in California and Illinois. In addition to being a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, I also teach a course on this exact subject at the John Marshall Law School.

I think that your designation of my site as malicious must be an error of some sort, but it is defamatory and damaging to me and my professional reputation. I ask that you remove this erroneous and harmful designation and restore normal access to the site.

I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Best regards,
Evan McKenzie

Evan C. McKenzie
Associate Professor of Political Science
University of Illinois at Chicago
1007 W. Harrison St., M/C 276
Chicago, IL 60607 USA
(312)413-3782 fax: (312)413-0440

1 comment:

  1. Great letter, Dr. McKenzie, When I saw your posting about this matter, yesterday, I contacted someone I know, who may have been able to, or is able to, assist. This individual is greatly concerned with the "issues," in HOA's/COA's, etc., and a retired ranking service member. This site is a great benefit to those who seek a legitimate understanding of this industry. Hopefully, your letter will not be ignored. Those in service to this country deserve the best info available, as we all know what has happened to far to many away from home, in the past.
