Friday, February 15, 2008

Condominium owners tell smokers: Take it outside: "Residents of a tony, high-rise condominium along the Mississippi River in Minneapolis are among the first to vote to make their building smoke-free, taking Minnesota's battle over smoking bans into private homes."

The libertarians who love HOAs and condos need to rethink their position. They are always telling us that people have voluntarily contracted to set limits on their own freedom. But the problem is that you also give your neighbors power to make rules you couldn't have foreseen. What is the limit on that? So the way you exercise your "freedom" is to accept a take-it-or-leave-it boilerplate set of restrictions that includes this wild card of rule-making power without clear limits. To paraphrase the old saying (and engage in a bit of hyperbole): First they came for the ham radio operators, and I did nothing. Then they came for the people with pickup trucks and I did nothing. Then they came for the people with dogs and I did nothing. Then they came for the people running home-based businesses. Then they came for the smokers...who is next? I guess the safest course of action is to be a non-smoking retiree who has no visitors and just watches tv all day...with the sound turned way down.

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