Friday, October 19, 2007

When Your Home Is Not Your Castle
The Motley Fool weighs in on HOAs and condos.

Unfortunately, it's virtually impossible to escape a homeowner's association. Most of the time, they're included in the language of your real estate deed, as a covenant that is legally attached to the land. That means that if you want to live in the neighborhood, you're stuck with the association.

1 comment:

  1. "
    Unfortunately, it's virtually impossible to escape a homeowner's association."

    It may be if you ask, or rather, demand, that the real estate agent show you properties that ARE NOT HOA controlled! The FIRST QUESTION to ask the real estate agent when buying residential real estate is whether or not the house is in an HOA! If it does, REFUSE TO BUY!! Don't let them play the "Oh! There is an association!" game with you at the closing.

    When more and more people do this, perhaps the housing industry, the real estate agents, the mumicipal governments, et. al, will understand that not everyone wants to live under the thumb of an oppressive private government.
