Tuesday, October 30, 2007

globeandmail.com: Fantino would back even tougher speeding law
Brought to you by our friends in Canada: The $10,000 speeding ticket. Maybe Hillary should pick up this idea, too...to go with national health care.

1 comment:

  1. Speeding by more than 50kph over the limit is pretty flagrant, it deserves a stiff fine. That's equivalent to 31mph over the limit. Presumably $2K is the first offense and it escalates thereafter. I think 90mph drivers on the tollway or 100mph drivers on rural interstates are pretty serious safety hazards, myself. I'm glad I haven't seen one yet.

    Then again, Fantino regrets not going for 30kph (19mph) over. In the Chicago area, that would put quite a bite into the suburban portions of the tollway.

    But even with Fantino's wilder fantasies, we're not talking the garden variety +5 to +15 that characterizes most highways around here.
