Sunday, September 16, 2007

Full text of Common Ground article on HOA activists
I see that somebody has decided to upload the entire text of the "Critical Mass" article by Chris Durso.

1 comment:

  1. I believe the advocates should be praised. Those, that I know, are courageous, talented AMERICANS! When the industry reaches out and assists those whom have been victimized, then maybe they will earn some credibility. There is accountability to be had, in most of the outrageous foreclosure, fining, etc., situations. How is it that it is always the innocent property owner being victimized in some way? Most had/have no clue of what is happening to them!
    How is it that some know how to manipulate the system? Lies, slander, fraud, etc., and similar tactics seem to be tools of their trade! Hopefully, Mr. Durso will incorporate some truth in his future writing.
