Monday, August 06, 2007

Walking to the shops ‘damages planet more than going by car’ - Times Online
Stay home and stare into space, you selfish oafs. All this walking around is killing the planet. Take one look at Al Gore and you can tell that he stopped walking a long time ago.

Walking does more than driving to cause global warming, a leading environmentalist has calculated. Food production is now so energy-intensive that more carbon is emitted providing a person with enough calories to walk to the shops than a car would emit over the same distance. The climate could benefit if people avoided exercise, ate less and became couch potatoes. Provided, of course, they remembered to switch off the TV rather than leaving it on standby. The sums were done by Chris Goodall, campaigning author of How to Live a Low-Carbon Life, based on the greenhouse gases created by intensive beef production.

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