Sunday, August 12, 2007

Micro-managing the common man: Elites vs. humanity
Here is a right-wing ideological rant on the expansion of government at every level that includes HOAs as one of the enemies of individual freedom. Seems that HOAs are brought to you by the United Nations. Who knew? And she is still supporting Alan Keyes for President, even after he ran the worst Senate campaign in American history here in Illinois, against Barack Obama.

Private property, according to the United Nations, must only be in the hands of government. Private property ownership is to be disallowed on a global basis. This is the reason for homeowner associations, gated communities, private policing forces inside of homeowner associations and gated communities, condo living, etc. When you buy a house inside any of the above, you do not own the land upon which the house sits. You are therefore totally and completely at the mercy of your "association" rules and regulations, and you may, in fact, lose your homes for failure to follow whatever rules are set into place. So, on top of the private policing forces which exist to enforce the rules of the association (which means to control you), you are also vulnerable to the whims, desires, and prejudices of your homeowner association boards. Even though you bought your homes, you can be forced to leave by "consensus," which actually means by the opinion of those in power who happen to have armed back-up in the personage of private and armed policing forces. And once again, the United Nations, in a document called Agenda 21, states that all nations are to "relocate" their populations into "human settlements." Your homeowner associations are "human settlements," and you are totally controlled within these settlements — controlled by private policing forces and their association board consensus-crats. Welcome to the American version of Communist sectors. Welcome to Communitarian government.

1 comment:

  1. While these conspiracy theories my sound reasonable, the best explanation as to the spread of CID housing may be found above in the Steven Siegel article.

    It is really a 'follow the money' scenario. As long as municipalities get away with 'load shedding' by requiring that all new residential subdivisions have HOAs, housing buyers will continue to be denied the choice to buy new housing not in an HOA. I agree that Agenda 21 is an evil, but the bottom line is the far greater determinant in local land use policy. As long as municipalities get the free ride on the backs of homeowners by imposing the HOA requirement, we will continue to have less and less choice not to live in a HOA regime.
