Thursday, August 16, 2007

Las Vegas SUN: Editorial: Let the sunshine in
Thanks to Monica Caruso for this link to a story about an HOA that seems to be making some smart decisions about energy consumption.

R esidents of a North Las Vegas community are considering solar lights as replacements for gas lamps in the neighborhood's public areas. A story in the Las Vegas Sun on Saturday says homeowners association members for The Parks are weary of the $9,000 a month it costs to operate the gated community's 550 gas lamps and are considering retrofitting lamps with solar panels or switching them to low-voltage electric lights. Converting the lamps to solar power would cost just under $600 per light - more than the $440 per light the low-voltage fitting would cost. However, although solar power is more expensive at the outset, once it is installed the association no longer would have a monthly power bill for running the lights. The low-voltage lamps, on the other hand, would cost about $3,000 a month to operate. It is an interesting discussion and one that more communities likely will have as residents seek ways to cut energy costs and burn less fossil fuel .

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