Thursday, August 09, 2007 - 70 Year Old Woman Arrested for Not Watering Lawn
Mystery Reader sent this video-rich saga that proves once again that municipalities--in this case, Orem, Utah--can be as petty as HOAs. It seems that she was jailed because she wouldn't give her name to the officer who wrote her up for one count of brown lawn in the first degree. Even the police spokesman couldn't put a good face on it, saying, "Clearly there were some other options available." Gee--do you think? Really?

A widow and grandma spent the morning in jail, arrested for refusing to give a policeman her name when he tried writing her a ticket for failing to water her yard. The woman hasn't watered her lawn in more than a year, and the condition of her yard violates an Orem zoning ordinance. Tonight, the woman says she is traumatized and shocked that she was hauled to jail, just because she says she can't afford to water her lawn.

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