Friday, August 10, 2007 - Rules & regs Life in subdivisions: Homeowners need legal rights to offset the power of HOAs
Fred Pilot unearthed this op-ed by Joanna Wegner, who lives in an HOA and wants some legislation to protect owners from their BOD:

Homeowners associations are legal entities recognized by the commonwealth, with powers that no other government agency is allowed. HOAs have far-reaching and sometimes discriminating powers over homeowners, who are left powerless in cases of injustice. New buyers often fail to realize the vulnerability they are subjected to in surrendering their rights to control their own property. Favorable recognition should go out to those associations that are protecting property values and making their communities a safer and more pleasant place to live. Conversely, there are associations that do not enforce covenants and issue blanket waivers to some members, and this impinges on the right to peace and quiet enjoyment for some property owners.

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