Monday, August 27, 2007

Embattled Attorney General Resigns - New York Times
It's about time. The pattern of the Bush administration is to keep people on long past the point where any other administration would have dropped them in order to stop the bleeding. I gather this reflects the President's determination to show that nobody can make him do anything. He is, after all, "The Decider." But this is a self-destructive strategy, unless the people and policies being stubbornly supported prove in the end to have been good ones. The result to date is that Bush's job approval rating has been buried at the bottom of a deep crater on one of the frozen moons of Jupiter for a year or so. If he's waiting to be bailed out by the history professors, all I can say is "Don't hold your breath." The judgment of history will not be that George Tenet, Norman Mineta, Donald Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzales, et al., did a fantastic job that was under-appreciated at the time.

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