Monday, August 06, 2007

Consumer protection law has fans and foes - 08/05/2007 -
The new Florida foreclosure regulations produce some reactions:

A new state law is making it harder for homeowner associations to foreclose on homes for delinquent dues. But the new law comes at a price to struggling homeowners: It allows associations to collect interest on unpaid bills, a hefty 18 percent per year if the community's governing documents don't specify a rate. Previously, HOAs couldn't charge interest unless it was outlined in the documents. Furthermore, the new law holds current owners responsible for unpaid dues, even if they were racked up by a previous owner. Still, the law's sponsor, state Sen. Jeremy Ring, R-Margate, called it a ''very strong consumer bill'' that protects homeowners from abusive debt collection. The new law does not apply to condo associations.

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